Tabanan Hot Water is one of tourist destinations in Tabanan regency, west part of Bali. it is about 15 minutes from Tabanan town and close to Batukaru Temple. It is set on the hill bank and the river valley just in front of it. There is a main pool located in the lowest level and just beside of river meanwhile other small pools are set on the bank. This hot water is come from the Batukaru mount and flows to the hill bank at Penatahan village, the location of Tabanan Hot Water.
It is located in Penatahan Village, Penebel Sub district and Tabanan Regency. It is about 1,5 hour drive from Bali's International Airport taking the simple direction to go to Tabanan Town and access to Batukaru Temple. It is strategically located beside of main road from Tabanan town to Batukaru Temple .
buset dah postna pake basanya bule daku jadi ga mudeng, tapi kalo diliatin dari gambarnaa keliatannya enak tu adem tenang gityu